Friday, October 16, 2009

The secret code: of evolution and morality

Was reading an article today, excerpt below:

"Is there a God?" is not a difficult question. The question that seems most perplexing is, "why are we determined to explain away God?" Let's give credit where credit is due. It seems that if there is a God, then we would be His creatures, and therefore, accountable to Him. Of course, this is not acceptable to a determined portion of mankind's intelligentsia. These "scholars" have a good control of the majority through arenas such as the public school system and the broadcast media. We are not exposed to both alternatives. We're not taught the problems with evolution, naturalism and materialism. We are simply taught the Big Bang is fact. The result is that we are not educated, we are indoctrinated. Unfortunately, the ultimate result is that we and our children are taught that there is no Divine Lawmaker, and therefore, there is no absolute law or morality. Everything in today's society, including moral codes and civil laws, are merely relative. "Survival of the fittest!" is the rally cry. No one stops to consider why or how morality developed, or that it seems to only function as a means for the survival of the weakest. Because we are taught there is no God, what would cause us to consider that perhaps there is a God and He instituted morality? Evolution is unable to account for the development of the moral code inherent in all of us. We simply ignore this truth, just as we seem to be ignoring God altogether. Society suffers tremendously as a result of our children being taught we share a common heritage with rocks and plants. Individuality, meaning and purpose no longer mean anything. And we wonder why our kids act like animals today."

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